
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I month since surgery

Tomorrow will be 1 month since I had my septum surgery. Its amazing how easy this surgery went and how easy the recovery was for me. I am so thankful that there were no complications and that its out of the way. As I sit here and write this blog, it makes me think of everything that Preston and I have experienced in the bast 2 months. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about and look at the picture our precious baby that we lost. That precious heartbeat and sonogram picture will always hold a special place in our heart. We are so thankful that we have been able to figure out the cause of the problem and have it fixed!

So you might ask, "What's the next step?" The next step it to call my doctor in 10 days and tell him how my cycle has gone since the surgery! Everything has been fine and right on time. This is SUCH good news! He will then tells us that we can begin trying again or that we should continue to wait. Preston and I will then have to decide where we stand and if we are ready to start this process over!

Please pray for Preston and I as we continue to grow together and as we make life changing decisions over the next several months. Pray that as we make these decisions God will continue to keep me healthy and we allow my body to continue to heal!

Hope everyone has a great week! Also, please pray for our special friends Kim and Rob Deloach! They are currently going through the adoption process to get a little girl named Anslee from China! We have gotten to be extremely good friends with them and we are so excited to get to experience their adoption process with them. You can follow her adoption process via her blog at:

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