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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Second Appointment with Specialist and Surgery

SOOO much has happened since I last blogged! First of all, I went back to my specialist on Wednesday. Since Preston has been taking off work so much lately, my mom decided to she would go with me and let Preston stay at work. After doing a test on my uterus, he decided that surgery would be what he recommended for us. Preston and I had already decided that we thought surgery was best and we had set our minds on having surgery the middle of September. To our suprise, Dr. Hines asked me when I wanted to have surgery. I told him that I could do it right then. He looked at me and smiled and said "What about Friday??" Really?? Friday? I was so shocked that I was like yes without even thinking! He told me that I would have to come back the next day for my pre op and that he would be admitting me to the hospital at 10 am on Friday. All of this happened so fast that I realized that Preston was not with me and that he had no idea that we had planned all of this. When I got in my car, I called Preston to tell him what all had just happened. He was so excited that we were getting it out of the way that we immediately started planning to have surgery.

On Thursday, Dr. Hines sent me to Women's hospital to go ahead and get admitted for surgery the next day. Upon entering Women's hospital, I had a sick feeling over me. The last time I had been at Women's was when we lost our baby! This was really hard for me to swallow all over again. Once I got there, they immediately took me to do paper work and blood work. After this was done, they send me back to work and told me that they would see me the next day at 10 am.

On Friday morning, Preston and I woke up and got ready to go to the hospital. My heart was heavy because I had remembered doing the same thing we we were admitted to the hospital for the d and c. Once we got to the hospital, the waiting game began. Preston, my mom, my dad, and my mother in law were all there to keep me company. I was really nervous about his surgery because I knew that there were alot of risk involved. They told me that the surgery lasted about 3 hours and that Dr. Hines thinks that he was able to get EVERYTHING done that he wanted to get done. This is such a blessing. Once I got back to my room, my sister, Dennis, Abbey, Brandon, and Coleson were there to visit. This was such a great surprise. I love my sister so much and she has been there to support me through every step of the way. She and her family mean the world to me and Preston and we always love when they are around.

Since Friday, I have just been resting and trying to recover from surgery. The pain has not been near as bad as I thought it would be. If I am laying down, I do not feel any pain at all. The doctor told me that he was not going to release me back to work until Wednesday so for me to get some rest.

I want to thank everyone who has emailed us, called us, brought flower, brought dinner, test us, etc. It means the world to us to know that we have such an amazing support group behind us!! I go back to the doctor next Friday to see how i am healing. Please pray that I have a speedy recovery and that Dr. Hines feels like he got all he needed to get!!

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